You have waited a long time - now it starts 😎


Dear Alpha-Trader Beta Tester,

everything is finally ready to get started. Since 2016 in the beta phase, "1.0" is now within reach. The most important features are ready, tested and optimized. A company was founded and the VAT ID no. assigned. Now we have to wait a few more days until FastSpring goes live after a thorough check. As soon as that is done, a market-wide reset will be carried out. That means everything is set back to 0, which is related with the stock market. Your game accounts, messages, forum posts, etc. will of course be retained. After the reset, the beta phase is officially over and we are in the first stable version, the so-called "1.0". Everyone starts over. When this reset takes place, there will be another circular mail to all players.

As a thank you for your loyalty, all beta testers will receive $ 50,000 on your player account and a 10% discount code for gold access after the reset!

Thank you very much for your help, support and feedback with which I was able to make the game what it is today. I promise you that Alpha-Trader will be continuously developed and optimized. If you want to support the game, you can contact me at any time, by mail or in the game. Money is currently needed to keep the game running, get the game better known, and buy services like translations, graphics, etc. You can support all of this with a gold account. If you like the game and you want it to get better and bigger, I would be happy about a gold entry. You will receive the discount code with the reset email. 👍

Information about the game, its history and more about me at

See you soon in the game

Your K-M


